On Monday, March 6th, officials from the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona announced that a ransomware cyberattack had crippled the center's computer system and forced the cancellation of 150 non-urgent operations and up to 3,000 patient checkups. Antoni Castells, the hospital's director, said they had activated their contingency plan and could function for several days, but he hoped the system would be restored soon.

The Catalonia regional government's Cybersecurity Agency has identified the attack as being orchestrated from outside of Spain by a group called “Ransom House.” So far, there have been no ransom demands, and officials have stated that no money will be paid. Instead, the hospital is relying on paper to keep track of patient records and communication between units.

The attack has caused disruption to the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona's laboratories, emergency room, pharmacy, and external clinics, and has been a major inconvenience for all involved. The Cybersecurity Agency is currently working to restore the system and return the hospital to normal operations.

How Hospitals Can Prevent Ransomware Attacks

Chris Close, a cyber security expert from Cyber Sleuth Security’s Wilmington branch, was recently interviewed about how hospitals can prevent ransomware attacks.

“Ransomware attacks are on the rise in healthcare,” said Close. “But hospitals can take steps to protect their data.”

When asked what specific measures hospitals should take, Close said, “First and foremost, hospitals should ensure their data is backed up regularly. This way, if an attack does occur, the data can be recovered without paying the ransom. Additionally, hospitals should limit access to their systems to only those who need it, and ensure that all users have strong passwords. And finally, they should regularly patch their systems and update their antivirus software.”

When asked about the importance of cybersecurity training for hospital staff, Close said, “Cybersecurity training is absolutely essential. All staff should be trained on how to recognize and avoid phishing scams, and how to respond if they believe their system has been compromised.”

“With the right measures in place,” said Close, “hospitals can protect their data and keep their systems safe from ransomware attacks.”


Cyberattack hits major hospital in Spanish city of Barcelona